Tags :- pokemon games to play now, free pokemon video games, fun pokemon games to play online, play all free pokemon games, all new games of pokemon, pokemon games i can play online for free, pokemon games that we can play, pockmon gameEach Buddy Pokemon in Pokemon Go has a different distance it must be walked before it will find a candy. Unfortunately, you have to swap them in and out as your buddy to see how far you need to walk them. If you're already in the process of walking a buddy, then swapping will make you lose your progress.
I've rounded up the distances in this nice little reference guide. The Pokemon are listed in alphabetical order so they are easier to find:
Use this reference guide to plan your Buddy Pokemon walks.
- Abra- 3km
- Aerodactyl- 5km
- Alakazam- 3km
- Arbok- 3km
- Arcanine- 3km
- Articuno- Pokemon not released yet
- Beedrill- 1km
- Bellsprout- 3km
- Blastoise- 3km
- Bulbasaur- 3km
- Butterfree- 1km
- Caterpie- 1km
- Chansey- 5km
- Charizard- 3km
- Charmander-3km
- Charmeleon- 3km
- Clefable- 1km
- Clefairy- 1km
- Cloyster- 3km
- Cubone- 3km
- Dewgong- 3km
- Diglett- 3km
- Ditto- Pokemon not released yet
- Dodrio- 3km
- Doduo- 3km
- Dragonair- 5km
- Dragonite- 5km
- Dratini- 5km
- Drowzee- 3km
- Dugtrio- 3km
- Eevee- 5km
- Ekans- 3km
- Electabuzz- 5km
- Electrode- 3km
- Exeggcute- 3km
- Exeggutor- 3km
- Farfetch'd- 3km
- Fearow- 1km
- Flareon- 5km
- Gastly- 3km
- Gengar- 3km
- Geodude- 1km
- Gloom- 3km
- Golbat- 1km
- Goldeen- 3km
- Golduck- 3km
- Golem- 1km
- Graveler- 1km
- Grimer- 3km
- Growlithe- 3km
- Gyarados- 1km
- Haunter- 3km
- Hitmonchan- 5km
- Hitmonlee- 5km
- Horsea- 3km
- Hypno- 3km
- Ivysaur- 3km
- Jigglypuff- 1km
- Jolteon- 5km
- Jynx- 5km
- Kabuto- 5km
- Kabutops- 5km
- Kadabra- 3km
- Kakuna- 1km
- Kangaskhan- 3km
- Kingler- 3km
- Koffing- 3km
- Krabby- 3km
- Lapras- 5km
- Lickitung- 3km
- Machamp- 3km
- Machoke- 3km
- Machop- 3km
- Magikarp- 1km
- Magmar- 5km
- Magnemite- 3km
- Magneton- 3km
- Mankey- 3km
- Marowak- 3km
- Meowth- 3km
- Metapod- 1km
- Mew- Pokemon not released yet
- Mewtwo- Pokemon not released yet
- Moltres- Pokemon not released yet
- Mr. Mime- 5km
- Muk- 3km
- Nidoking- 3km
- Nidoqueen- 3km
- Nidoran (f)- 3km
- Nidoran (m)- 3km
- Nidorina- 3km
- Nidorino- 3km
- Ninetales- 3km
- Oddish- 3km
- 'Omanyte- 5km
- Omastar- 5km
- Onix- 5km
- Paras- 3km
- Parasect- 3km
- Persian- 3km
- Pidgeot- 1km
- Pidgeotto- 1km
- Pidgey- 1km
- Pikachu- 1km
- Pinsir- 5km
- Poliwag- 3km
- Poliwhirl- 3km
- Poliwrath- 3km
- Ponyta- 3km
- Porygon- 3km
- Primeape- 3km
- Psyduck- 3km
- Raichu- 1km
- Rapidash- 3km
- Raticate- 1km
- Rattata- 1km
- Rhydon- 3km
- Rhyhorn- 3km
- Sandshrew- 3km
- Sandslash- 3km
- Scyther- 5km
- Seadra- 3km
- Seaking - 3km
- Seel- 3km
- Shellder- 3km
- Slowbro- 3km
- Slowpoke- 3km
- Snorlax- 5km
- Spearow- 1km
- Squirtle- 3km
- Starmie- 3km
- Staryu- 3km
- Tangela- 3km
- Tauros- 3km
- Tentacool- 3km
- Tentacruel- 3km
- Vaporeon- 5km
- Venomoth- 3km
- Venonat- 3km
- Venusaur- 3km
- Victreebel- 3km
- Vileplume- 3km
- Voltorb- 3km
- Vulpix- 3km
- Wartortle- 3km
- Weedle- 1km
- Weepinbell- 3km
- Weezing- 3km
- Wigglytuff- 1km
- Zapdos- Pokemon not released yet
- Zubat- 1km
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